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šŸ’” Definitions


A ā€˜just transitionā€™ means moving to a more sustainable economy in a way thatā€™s fair to everyone ā€“ including people working in polluting industries.

Thatā€™s the short version, but letā€™s back up a bit.

Our planet is changing. We are facing a climate and nature emergency thatā€™s costing thousands of lives around the world. Floods, droughts, forest fires and tropical storms are happening more often.Ā And they are also becoming more intense, putting millions of peopleā€™s homes and livelihoods at risk.

To avoid the worst of this, societies are going to have to change massively. Reliance on fossil fuels must end. Countries will have to cut their planet-heating emissions down to zero. And they need to do it fast.

šŸ“š Books

Working Class Environmentalism - An Agenda for a Just and Fair Transition to Sustainability, Karen Bell (book club book)

White Working Class - Overcoming Class Cluelessness in America, Joan Williams

Diversity and Inclusion in Environmentalism, Karen Bell 2021

šŸ¦øšŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Accounts to follow

Karen Bellā€™s website

International Institute for Sustainable Development IISD

šŸ–‹ Articles

A working class green movement is out there but not getting the credit it deserves, Karen Bell. The Guardian

A checklist for meaningful inclusion in environmental decision-making

Guidelines for working class inclusion (page 3-4)