Feel free to add your recommendations related to Language into the categories below. If you can't find your category then you can create one.

Please don't delete other people's contributions. But you can add comments if you like. Be nice, be kind and have fun :)

💡 Definitions

No definition needed really, however, our point by choosing Language is to try to change the narrative regarding climate change. It’s so easy to be negative, but let’s introduce some story telling into our climate change experiences and focus on the positive. Stories that are told with play, fun and fiction in mind are more likely to stick.

We invite you to tell a story with a positive spin on climate change.

📚 Books

Secrets of a Vanishing Country by Pelin Turgut (Future book club choice)

How the food you eat can reverse climate change

🦸🏻‍♀️ Accounts to follow




🖋 Articles

Words that work: effective language in sustainability communications – Report by Radley Yeldar

🎧 Podcasts

🎥 Videos/Films

The Biggest Little Farm (and sequel)